15th December 2011
Being a TOK Coordinator at my school, I always felt how the use of technology could not only help me to ease the learning of the core element, by me and my students, but also by my supervisors. Later on I also felt the need of connecting all of them to the vast IB community of teachers and students so that we could collaborate and have a better, effective and enhanced knowledge gaining process.
To meet these demands was challenging. So I came up with the idea of first scooping all the TOK resources that I came across using Scoop.it.
Also learnt how to embed it in the HTML using the export button. So have a look.
Being a TOK Coordinator at my school, I always felt how the use of technology could not only help me to ease the learning of the core element, by me and my students, but also by my supervisors. Later on I also felt the need of connecting all of them to the vast IB community of teachers and students so that we could collaborate and have a better, effective and enhanced knowledge gaining process.
To meet these demands was challenging. So I came up with the idea of first scooping all the TOK resources that I came across using Scoop.it.
Also learnt how to embed it in the HTML using the export button. So have a look.
So after curating I passed this tool to my students so that they could also start curating. And what now, they could have their bibliography ready in minutes even after a year with this. So create an account and start following me at Scoop.it to get updated resources. Make your own and share with others.
20th January 2012
Well Scoop.it was a hit amongst students and even teachers and all are now scooping, curating and sharing. I also felt that facebook could be used as a connecting tool with the outside world , with teachers and students in India and abroad. This time I made a TOK page at facebook and shared it everywhere and started putting all resources that I came across so that students and teachers of IB community could have them at one place and others hard efforts could also be shared ansd appreciated. So have a loook and do hit the like button or else you will miss the updates. Have a look..
30th January 2012
I was introduced to Issuu where I made a Library of my own and put in all the books that I read on my shelf ...So have a look at my TOK shelf.
Read books from my TOK shelf
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